Flavien Huynh

Flavien Huynh works as a Senior Field Application Engineer at Vector. He is in charge of assisting customers reaching efficient and relevant monitoring solutions, by way of project management, training and technical support. Originating from the research field, he wrote several articles on the topic of Software Project monitoring, and managed R&D projects with research partners.
Software quality - origin story - Coderskitchen
Flavien Huynh

Software quality: Origin story

Software quality is a vast field, which has been the subject of many studies, standards and tools for a long

Source Code Analysis Coderskitchen
Flavien Huynh

Anatomy of a source code

To bit or not to bit? Source code is present in pretty much everything we interact with today: phone apps,

All code clones are not equal - coderskitchen
Flavien Huynh

All code clones are not equal

Like clones from a famous galactic franchise, source code clones can be dangerous if you let them multiply: They carry