Niroshan Rajadurai

Picture of Niroshan Rajadurai
Niroshan brings more than 20 years of Embedded Systems experience in the design and development of safety-critical and fault-tolerant systems. In recent years, he has collaborated in the development of pioneering innovations in the field of DevOps and cyber security. This includes technologies such as change-based testing, automatic test case generation, and variant analysis.
Debugging without Security risks

Debugging without security risks

Security researcher Michael Myng found the keylogging code in software drivers that were preinstalled on HP laptops to make the

Isolate verify merge_Coderskitchen

Isolate, Verify and Merge

The cost of fixing software is well understood. Much research has been done to demonstrate that fixing defects at the

Safe and secure software factory

The safe & secure software factory

“Companies that embrace the principles of Software Factory (DevOps) experience 60 times fewer failures and can deploy 30 times faster

Illuminating system integration

Illuminating system integration

System integration no matter the approach; modular, big bang, regressive, controlled or adhoc can often be one of the most

How SpaceX develops software - Coderskitchen

How SpaceX develops software

SpaceX, a pioneer in commercial space transportation, most recently successfully took Astronauts to the space station with their Crew Dragon launch vehicle. SpaceX have essentially gone