Development Process

Isolate verify merge_Coderskitchen
Niroshan Rajadurai

Isolate, Verify and Merge

The cost of fixing software is well understood. Much research has been done to demonstrate that fixing defects at the

Illuminating system integration
Niroshan Rajadurai

Illuminating system integration

System integration no matter the approach; modular, big bang, regressive, controlled or adhoc can often be one of the most

How to make your developers happy - coderskitchen
John Paliotta

How to make your developers happy

There’s no shortage of articles on how to improve software quality via process improvement. Today I want to look at

How SpaceX develops software - Coderskitchen
Niroshan Rajadurai

How SpaceX develops software

SpaceX, a pioneer in commercial space transportation, most recently successfully took Astronauts to the space station with their Crew Dragon launch vehicle. SpaceX have essentially gone

how to develop high-quality software - coderskitchen
Jeffrey Fortin

How to develop high-quality software

What if we take an approach to software development that would significantly improve software quality? As you begin to design